Rick Aust
JoinedTopics Started by Rick Aust
A point from the "Worship" book
by Rick Aust insince i'm still an "active" jw, i've being to the book study and we are going threw the "worship" book, (i was getting sick and tired of the 2 isaiah books) anyway.. on the "worship" book p124 p10 it states quote "those of the great crown are pictured as being marked for survival.
(ezekiel 9:4-6) "the mark" is the evidence that they are dedicated to jehovah, baptized as disciples of jesus, and involved in cultivating a christlike personality.
" end quote.
Which Countries are still be charged for Magazines?
by Rick Aust inhi there people.. i was listening to a public talk recently and in it the speaker said that the wts is not chargeing money for the magazines to make it easier for people with little money to receive the magazines.
i told my wife "thats crap".
there are some countries who are still charged money for magazines, and i beleive most of these countries that are still charged money are from the poorer nations.
Who are the members of the GB now?
by Rick Aust ini just came back from the sydney convention.
we had 2 speakers who were from the gb, so they told us.but i've never heard of their names before now.
it seems the gb have changed greatly since the picture taken of them in the "proclaimers" book.
Did you ever had any TRUEl Friends in the WTS?
by Rick Aust inhow would you discribe a true friend?
and do you think you ever had any real freinds while you were there?
i think its hard to have a real freind if you need to be careful about everything you say and do.
Literture offer for Dec.
by Rick Aust inin the dec k/m of australia, the literture offer for december is "you can live forver" book.
i assume that the offer is the same in other countries.. i think it really shows how the wts doesn't have respect even for its own version of truth.
the "live forever" supports the old theology of the "generations", which has being removed since 1995. they should at least destroy these books which teach what they don't even believe, but they seem to be interested in getting same money for them.
What are the "left Behind" series?
by Rick Aust ini read post about these, can someone pls tell me what they are all about?
Do u know any JW"s that have suicided?
by Rick Aust insorry if this is a sad question, but i know of 3 jw's that have suicided.
i haven't known any personally, but i was wondered if you know any or know of any jw's that have suiced?
and do you know the reason why?
New release's from 2003 convention
by Rick Aust ingreeeting from aust.
can someone tell me the new release's from the 2003 conventions.
i am in australia and we will not be having our conventions untill later in the year.